000201 | 385F7C | 5F8AAA | 7D7E70 | 8AB2CB | AFAC9B | B0D4F4 | FFFFFF |
There are several small marinas nestled in the little passageway between Nanaimo and Newcastle Island. The same picture as yesterday but as it actually was....in color. Totally my preference.
@Gary: Thanks Gary.
@Steve: I didn't crop. This is just the way I took it....small camera...not as many options.
@saeed: Saeed, you are so kind.
@SUN.~: Thank you Sun. Love your name, so bright and sunny!!
@Anthony: I know, it is pretty amazing how different the two processes are. Thanks Anthony.
@Judy: I probably should have gotten down on one knee to get a better angle because I wanted the little clump of flowers in the picture. Then I would have had more sky in the picture. Funny thing about it was that I was just snapping a beautiful scene but in a big hurry to get going so we wouldn't miss the show, which as it turned out was slow in starting. Oh well!! ps. It's a beautiful day here and I have to stay home and do washes and get ready for a week of full time. boo hoo.
@Lorraine: Thanks Lorraine, I like both of them too. Guess that's why I shared both with my fellow blogers. Love all the comments too. You sure didn't take much time off which I am glad of because you are one of my favs!!!
@Shuva Brata Deb: Beer? No I don't drink, but I am sure that it would be nice for some. The sailing part, yup, I would like that.
@Michael Skorulski: I think it was some kind of growth in the foreground of this picture. Seems strange in salt water, but I don't think there is much wave action in this very sheltered passageway.
@Betty: Thanks Betty. The first in this series is my favorite shot and I really prefer color to b&w, but sometimes the b&w is so moody. Oh to be able to take pictures like Ansel!!
@Observing: Umm, I just might have to do more pictures in B&W, just for you Mike. I'm glad you liked it.
@Kylie Greenan: Thank you Kylie.
@zOOm: Thanks so much Florence, I do too. It was a perfect night for pictures. Only wish I had my big camera with me :D
@Chris: Thanks Chris. It was very peaceful down there.
@Alun Lambert: Thank you Alun.
@Ron: Thanks Ron. I am blessed and unfortunately sometimes take it for granted and really don't go down to the waterfront as often as I should.
@Earnest: me too. I guess I am neither old school or a purist. tee hee.
Canon PowerShot SD800 IS
1/160 second
5 mm