0F11BE | 250313 | 343264 | 3B4BD4 | 926095 | A49E7A | CA8A32 | DBA6EE |
I have to admit that I played with filters on this close up of my blue clematis, but I love the dew drops on the "skeleton" of another clematis tucked under her arm.
@Yair Karelic: Thanks Yair. I used a plug-in for my Corel Paint Shop Pro called Nik Color Efex Pro. You can get some pretty amazing results with this program.
@lidia: You are righ Lidia, the colors with the filter are better than reality. Thanks for your comment.
@Judy: Pretty cool eh? (Canadian) I really liked the skeleton.
@Sandrine: Thanks Sandrine, I agree with you, it does make the shot.
@Jrask: Thank you Jrask.
@amy: Thanks Amy. How's your weather? Ours has been beautiful the last few days. By the time you get here it will be wonderful I hope.
@Gary: Aww, you are so nice. Thanks Gary.